Sarah Linow – Wedding Planner


Based on Albert Schweitzer’s credo “Love is the only thing that increases twofold every time it is shared,” we support various charities and aid organizations.

Sponsoring children through World Vision

Since 20 years we sponsor two children as part of World Vision’s child sponsorship program: Now Atugonza from Tanzania and Mohammed from Bangladesh. We have entered an ongoing commitment toward these children by making monthly donations and also receiving annual reports and photos of the sponsored children.

SOS Kinderdorf Berlin

Once a month, we organize a meetup for wedding vendors where we collect donations for children: For Strassenkinder e.V. and SOS Kinderdorf in Berlin. The Kinderdorf in Waldstrasse is located in our immediate neighborhood.

Animal Welfare

We make monthly donations to the animal welfare society ``aktion tier - menschen für tiere e.V.``. The quarterly magazine publishes information on all their animal protection campaigns.

Christmas in a shoebox

At Christmas time we help the organization CHRISTMAS IN A SHOEBOX to pack christmas gifts for children in gift boxes.

Berliner Tafel

We support ``Berliner Tafel``. We help to distribute rescued food to the needy every 2 weeks.

One tree for each review

For every Google review we plant a tree in Germany with I PLANT A TREE.

Eine Hand fuer Dich

We are part of the ONE HAND FOR YOU organization. It supports financially needy couples.


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    Meet us in our office or schedule a video call.



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