Sarah Linow – Wedding Planner

Wedding Planner Berlin – Our Services

We are specialized in planning bespoken weddings and events in Europe and Florida.

As wedding planners with experience since 2009, we are privy to the latest trends and the best vendors.

Jointly with you, we will decide on how to integrate a personal theme into your wedding plans. The décor and floral design will correspond exactly to what you envision.

We operate independently and will gladly collaborate with your own vendors or recommend the best wedding vendors and anything else you need to make your wedding day perfect.

We offer different wedding planning packages. You can also book only the master of ceremonies for your wedding day.

Relaxed Wedding Planning

The Relaxed Wedding Planning includes the wedding organization with all the loving details about your dream wedding.

Relaxed wedding planning is perfect for couples making quick decisions or have already started a part of the planning.

The services are flexible and could be:

• Location research, consulting & booking

• Recommendation and booking of all wedding vendors

• Budget planning

• Time schedule for wedding day

• Help with decoration concept & wedding design

• Invitation cards & papeterie

• Meetings with wedding vendors

• Tasting of wedding cake

• Meeting in your venue

We make sure that everything is perfect on your wedding day. We are there for you and your guests.

With professional Wedding Planning – App

• With budget controlling

• Planning timeline

• To do-lists

• Guest lists and seating plans

• Design Studio for sharing pictures and moodboards

• Wedding-Website

Relaxed Wedding Planning

• 60 hours of Wedding or Event Planning,

• Including Wedding Planning App,

• Including Day of Wedding Coordination.

Price: 7.800 € incl. VAT (109 € net per hour)

Additional hours 150 € incl. VAT (126 € net per hour)

Luxury Wedding Planning

The Luxury Wedding Planning includes the complete wedding organization with all loving details about your dream wedding.

This planning is perfect for couples who want to incorporate lots of lovely details and want to make sure they book the best service providers for their wedding.

The services are flexible and could be:

• Research, consulting and booking of all locations, incl. venue for day before wedding

• incl. church or venue for ceremony, reception, dinner & party at your wedding day

• Document service

• Recommendation and booking of vendors

• Budget planning

• Time schedule for wedding day

• Decoration concept & Wedding Design

• Invitation cards & papeterie

• Meetings with wedding vendors

• Tasting of wedding cake

• Meetings in your venue

• Hotel recommendation for guests

• Transfer booking for couple and guests

• We organize the day of the civil wedding or get together on the evening before

We make sure that everything is perfect on your wedding day for you and your guests.

With professional Wedding Planning – App

• Including budget controlling

• Planning timeline

• To do-lists

• Guest lists and seating plans

• Design Studio for sharing pictures and moodboards

• Wedding-Website

Luxury Wedding Planning

• 110 hours of Wedding or Event Planning,

• Including Wedding Planning App & Wedding Design,

• Including Day of Wedding or Wedding Weekend Coordination.

Price: 14.300 € incl. VAT (109 € net per hour)

Platinum Wedding Planning

The Platinum Wedding Planning includes the complete wedding organization with all loving details about your dream wedding.

Are you a celebrity? We guarantee professionalism, discretion and we know suitable service providers for your needs.

Are you very busy at work? You just have to make decisions, we will do everything for you!

This planning is perfect for couples who incorporate lots of lovely details and want to make sure that they book the best service providers for their wedding.

The services are flexible and could be:

• Unlimited appointments at your home or favorite place

• Research, consulting and booking of all locations for your wedding or wedding weekend

• Document service

• Recommendation and booking of all vendors

• Budget planning

• Time schedule for your wedding day

• Decoration concept & 3D Wedding Design

• Invitation cards & papeterie

• Meetings with wedding vendors

• Tasting of wedding cake

• Meetings in your venue

• Guest management and hotel recommendations

• VIP Transfer and security booking for you and your guests

• We are happy to take appointments from you, so you only have to make decisions

• We organize the day of the civil wedding or get together on the evening before

We make sure that everything is perfect on your wedding day for you and your guests.

With professional Wedding Planning – App

• Including budget controlling

• Planning timeline

• To do-lists

• Guest lists and seating plans

• Design Studio for sharing pictures and moodboards

• Wedding-Website

Platinum Wedding Planning

• Wedding or Event Planning with unlimited appointments and consultations,

• Including Wedding Planning App & Wedding Design.

• Day of Wedding or Wedding Weekend Coordination, unlimited hours.

Price: 30.000 € incl. VAT

Day of coordination – Master of Ceremonies

The master of ceremonies paces you through the big day and keeps your wedding on schedule and running smoothly.

Embrace this option so you can enjoy your special day in a stress-free, relaxed manner!

We will gladly slip into this role and pull all the strings in the background, including coordinating the vendors.

We will function as the point of contact for you and your guests alike. We will also come prepared with a wedding day must-have – an emergency kit for all eventualities!

This will also relieve your family and friends of responsibilities and worries: All they have to do is celebrate and relish this special day with you.

The duties of a master of ceremonies are varied. They will, however, always conform to your specific needs!

It’s also possible to book an MC for your wedding day separately in the event that you already took care of your own wedding plans.

Testimonials from our couples:

“It so happens that everything on our wedding day worked out perfectly – down to the smallest detail! (…) Our guests were as thoroughly delighted as we were about how smoothly things went. Above all, having Sarah there meant that we could relax on our wedding day and enjoy the reception in the knowledge that everything would run like clockwork. In fact, we were virtually guests at our own wedding. This wonderful day will always be an unforgettable event for us and for our families!”

“(…) Ms. Linow was present from the beginning all the way to the very last minute to help wherever needed. She did this with utmost discretion, performing her job in a way that could not have been improved upon!”

“Thanks to your competent support and guidance we were able to enjoy our big day to the fullest! We would like to express our gratitude to our master of ceremonies, Enrico. He deserves great praise for covering our backs wonderfully during record temperatures (37 degrees). We were able to feel like guests at our own wedding :).”

Day of coordination

  • 2-hour meeting before the wedding with advice on the schedule and procedure,
  • Creation of a day plan for the location and vendors,
  • Contacting the vendors 2 weeks before the wedding to clarify any questions,
  • 10 hours of coordination on the wedding day.

Price: 2.500 € incl. VAT

Additional hours 150 € incl. VAT (126 € net per hour)

There was nothing for you?

Basic Wedding Planning

You have a smaller budget or you are very creative and want to plan a lot on your own?

Our Basic Wedding Planning includes:

  • 20 hours of wedding advice and support on selected dates,
  • Location and vendor recommendations,
  • Creation of a day plan and send to the vendors and venue shortly before the wedding,
  • 10 hours of support and coordination on the wedding day.

With basic planning, we take over no or only limited communication with the vendors, the venue or the guests during the planning period.

Additional hours can be booked.

GUARANTEE: We guarantee support on the day of the wedding.

Basic Wedding Planning

  • 20 hours of wedding or event advice and support,
  • 10 hours of coordination on the event or wedding day.

Price: 3.900 € incl. VAT

Additional hours 150 € incl. VAT (126 € net per hour)

Questions & Answers

How long have you been planning weddings and how many weddings have you planned?

Sarah Linow is planning weddings since 2009 and we have planned more than 300 weddings so far.

How many weddings do you plan a year?

Each planner plans not more than 10 weddings a year, it varies depending on how in love with detail the weddings are.

Why is wedding planning so expensive?

Our couples not only appreciate our time investment, but also the expertise since 2009. This applies to our industry knowledge in terms of service providers, locations and prices. We are always a neutral advisor, sometimes also a mediator. We think of every detail, take care of the communication with the location and the service providers in advance, and occasionally with guests. On the wedding day we coordinate the service providers, work hand in hand with the location, take care of the guests and the couple. We relieve our couples of the stress and have a lot of responsibility beforehand and on the wedding day.

Do you charge as a percentage or as a package?

We have transparent hourly rates (€130-150 per hour inkl. VAT). After the first introductory conversation, we can usually estimate very well how many hours we will need for the planning.
The advantage is fair for both sides. With a percentage fee, the planning costs would remain in the back of every budget decision. Because with every provider that is more expensive, the planning costs would also increase.

Do you also offer partial services?

For capacity reasons, we no longer offer partial services (such as location searches or vendor recommendations) apart from the Wedding Day Coordination. The smallest planning package is the Basic Planning with 20 hours of planning + 10 hours on the wedding day.

As a couple, can we do some of the planning ourselves?

Yes of course. We work very individually. Our couples decide for themselves whether we support them in everything or whether they want to plan or get things on their own.

As a couple, are we allowed to bring service providers?

Yes, that’s fine. We are happy to recommend our certified service providers. This has the advantage that the service provider team knows each other and works hand in hand. If our couples bring their service providers with them, that is possible and we include all the service providers in the planning.

How much budget do we need for the wedding?

We calculate from about €200 per person for food and drinks. Depending on the number of guests, this is the largest part of the budget. Everything else is added (clothing & rings, styling hair & make-up, photographer, videographer, flowers and decorations, band or DJ, entertainment, loving details, hotel & transfer, etc.). Our fee is independent of this and is calculated separately.

What are the payment terms?

We charge 40% in advance and 60% after 6 months.

What happens if we have to postpone our wedding?

We support our couples with a postponement and take over the communication with the location and the service providers. We are completely at the disposal of our couples until the actual wedding day.

What tools do we get to keep track at all times?

We work with an American wedding planning software in which all important planning topics can be viewed clearly. Our couples have full access at all times.

What makes you different from other planners?

1. The expertise! There are hardly any planners who have been planning since 2009 and are as networked as we are.
2. We educate ourselves regularly, we go to the Wedding MBA Congress in Las Vegas every year. There we attend seminars, see the latest trends, evaluations, software, apps and exchange ideas with colleagues.
3. Our wedding planning software comes from the USA and includes the complete planning: guest list with RSVPs, table planning, design studio, budget plan, contact and contract management for all service providers, to-do list, detailed planning of the wedding day and notes.
Our couples have full access and can manage details or just follow their planning at any time.
4. We are a team and support each other in the planning process and on the wedding day, so that your support is guaranteed.


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